Friday, April 21, 2023

What is the relationship between gematria and astrology?

The relationship between gematria and astrology is one that goes back many centuries. Gematria was once used as a means of interpreting the stars, and many cultures, including the ancient Greeks and Babylonians, practiced it. In more recent times, astrologers have incorporated gematria into their practice to gain a deeper understanding of their own readings.

Gematria is an ancient form of numerology in which the Hebrew alphabet is used to describe the vibrations of numbers and words. By using these letters and comparing them to similar words spelled differently but with the same meaning (known as doublets), gematriologists can gain an insight into the underlying message behind a word or a concept. This insight can then be used to interpret astrology readings as symbols are interlinked with numbers in gematria.

For example, by looking at different letter combinations associated with certain planets, scholars can determine how relationships between bodies in the sky could correlate with our own lives down here on earth. They are also able to see past correlations between different cosmological bodies and predict future examples. The same goes for individual letters – each form has its own vibrational frequency that can be understood as part of an overall pattern in an astrological context. This is part of why some astrologers believe that by studying gematria they can gain a detailed understanding of an individual's fates, along with larger cultural predictions or tendencies.

Gematric correspondences also serve to expand traditional notions about what lies outside our realm of understanding. For example, individuals may directly connect their current life events to energies from other planets or stars – like connecting one's will-power towards manifestation with Mars's vibration for ambition – allowing for greater spiritual expansion through journeying beyond our self-imposed boundaries within known reality.

See more about gematria numbers

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